About us

Welcome to the Nordic collaboration JNHB

The Nordic collaboration JNHB offers efficient and transparent joint health technology assessments of medicinal products in the five Nordic countries.  

Review of JNHB documents

Between the 2024-06-10 and 2024-07-10 it is possible for organizations to comment and leave suggestions for improvements of the JNHB documents; JNHB Process Guideline and JNHB Submission Dossier template. Please use the review-forms below for your organizations’ consolidated comments. The comments will be considered when updating the JNHB-documents.


June 3 2024

- Launch of JNHB, the Joint Nordic HTA Bodies 

April 18 2024 

- FINOSE now includes all Nordic countries

May 11 2023

- FINOSE collaboration prolonged and strengthened by entry of the Danish Medicines Council

All relevant documents regarding joint Nordic assessments

You can find previous assessments here:

Previous assessments